Update about custom sizes for tapestries for Design Bohemian: The largest I can print in any fabric -for a tapestry- other than woven polyester is (Max dimensions are 393.7 x 57.09 inch or 57.09 x 393.7 inch. *** Basically largest one side 57 inches as it is cut off the yardage. The 68 inch x 80
Update about custom sizes for tapestries for Design Bohemian: The largest I can print in any fabric -for a tapestry- other than woven polyester is (Max dimensions are 393.7 x 57.09 inch or 57.09 x 393.7 inch. *** Basically largest one side 57 inches as it is cut off the yardage. The 68 inch x 80 https://www.pinterest.com/pin/726416614904174150/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=blogger